Diwali Special

Orange Blossom Water Cake with Almond, Cardamom and Saffron Buttercream

It’s going to be Diwali soon and if you know me you would also know that I need just an excuse to come up with a delicious indulgent recipe. This cake is indulgent, but it’s Diwali and we are ready to take the plunge. lol. I made this cake last Diwali and it was a big hit. This cake was delicious and the Orange Blossom Water was my new love after Thandai Powder. It smells amazing and the almond, cardamom, and saffron enhance the flavors of the cake beautifully. It’s delicious and the subtle flavors are appealing to the pallet. You will fall in love with this cake, this Diwali.

If you are wondering what on earth Orange Blossom Water is? Orange blossom water is distilled water that has been infused with essential oils that are extracted from orange blossoms.  It smells and tastes like an orange and is mostly used in Middle Eastern cooking and some countries in Europe also use this water for some of their dishes. It can be used both in sweet as well as savory preparations.

Try this cake this Diwali and you won’t be disappointed; Diwali is all about pure indulgence and this cake is a cracker. It’s packed with flavor and the saffron, cardamom, and orange blossom water is a match made in heaven.

To add a delightful and quick treat to your Diwali celebration alongside this indulgent cake, you might want to try making these easy Instant Coconut Ladoos that perfectly complement the festive flavors and can be prepared in minutes.



  1. Method
    Preheat oven to 175 °C prepare the baking pan. Mix the first 6 ingredients together in a bowl and then in another bowl whisk away the orange zest, butter, honey, and vanilla till nice and fluffy. Now, add the dry ingredients in the wet and add the buttermilk and orange blossom water. Give it a good whisk and pour it into baking pans that have been buttered, floured, and lined with butter paper. Bake at 175 °C for 25 to 30 minutes till the toothpick inserted comes out clean and the cake leaves the side.

  2. Syrup
    Add the water, sugar, and orange juice in a pan cook it till its 1/4 cup, and then add the orange Blossom water. Leave it to cool down.
  3. Saffron Buttercream
    Take the cream add the saffron and microwave it till the cream is warm. Let the saffron steep in the cream. Now, whisk the butter and sugar till nice and fluffy add the cream slowly till you reach the right consistency. Don’t pour all the cream out in one go. Whisk and your saffron buttercream is ready.
  4. Assemble
    Take the cooled cake cut it from the middle and soak it with the syrup. Now, take the buttercream and spread it really well on the cake sprinkle a little of the syrup again, place the other half of the cake on top slather with buttercream, and pipe a beautiful design on top. Top it with rose petals, and saffron. Enjoy!


Hi I am Narsis known as Nari by all my friends I am a food blogger, home baker, food photographer who loves all things sweet. Welcome to my Kitchen, where I whip up everything sweet and indulgent.